
You have reached the website of Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling. Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling moves above, below and between threads of a network of sound, research and audio production. This site is meant to be a living archive that wants to be browsed. By doing so, you’ll find the nodes between his artistic practice, theoretical work, sounddesign and his educational services.
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summer break

11.07.24 After a vibrant first six months, I am taking my leave for the summer break. When I return, I look forward to preparing the presentation of our research "Mesocosmos: Performing Bodies in Transition" together with Anja Plonka. We will be showing the work on 16 August at Schaubüdchen Bochum and in September as part of the Fragile Festival at the Pina Bausch Centre in Wuppertal.


live with ozan tekin again

23.05.24 After the wonderfull show in Mülheim, tomorrow (24.05.24) we are playing at Studio Georgel in Gelsenkrichen Ückendorf.


Concert with Ozan Tekin

26.04.24 I am very pleased to play live tonight together with Ozan Tekin at the opening of the installation cadenceמוּסִיקָה by Yotam Schlezinger. Isabell Pabst will also be performing live. The dialogue with Ozan has been developing since my EP Transmission 20/21, for which we produced the piece Subharmonic together. So today we're playing live for the first time. On 24 May we'll be playing at Georgel in Gelsenkirchen Ückendorf.


Sound-based social media content

06.02.24 I developed some sound-based social media content for my friend and school band mate Michael Ahlmeyer's hair care brand.

Check out his Instagram. Follow for more content to come

Das Leben ist ein Wuschnkonzert

15.01.24 It was the first time I had made music for a children's play. It turned out to be a very beautiful piece that deals with the important topic of alcohol abuse. Thanks to the whole team, especially the director Anne Freybott <3 Foto: Jochen Quast

Infos and dates here

See you next year, Modus.

04.11.23 What a day, what a community. Thanks to everyone who was there.

Sonic Spaces Oberhausen

07.10.23 It was a pleasure to present in theater Oberhausen the results of my research on sound and location, noise control, neighborhood disputes and urban planning, sound therapy and fieldrecording. More infos soon in the music and performing arts section.

MODUS. Ambient and Drone Festival

15.09.2023 I am very happy that Lukas Hermann, Jan Hördemann and I, thanks to a grant from the NKR, can realize the Modus Festival exactly the way we wanted it to be. Everyone: COME!

Tickets and more info here

Concert with Lukas Hermann and MFK at Makroscope Mülheim

10.09.23 As always a pleasure to play with you, Lukas. We had a nice evening at the Makroscope together with the performance group MFK and a very focused audience. See you next time.

Miriam Michel's Lustige Lecture Performance

06.09.23 The evening at Haus Rüschhaus was a nice conclusion to Miriam Michel's series in which she discussed aging and exhaustion with various guests. The previous events took place at Theater Only Connect (Mülheim Ruhr) and Schaubüdchen (Bochum). Participants included Lisa Lucassen from She She Pop, Dr Natasha A. Kelly and Mirjam Schmuck from kainkollektiv and many more. Soon the videos will be published online. Stay tuned.

more info on the project an miriam michel's work

Who's afraid of Enid Blyton

26.08.23 I had the pleasure of doing the sound design and direction for this wonderful reflection on the legacy of the author of countless children's books. It sold out very quickly - probably because it was served with scones and tea and because of the great authors involved: Randy Boyagoda, Mithu Sanyal, Nicole Seifert, Stefanie de Velasco, Gabrielle Wang, Nadia Wassef.

more info here


The last half year was very colorful and diverse and full of beautiful encounters and creations. The first part of Miriam Michel's funny lecture performance, the musical AI project with Lukas Hermann at the NEW NOW Festival, another collaboration with Enoch Cheng in Hong Kong, the preparations for the RKNT Festival, the preparations for the Tonwelten Festival, quietly working on several projects that will soon appear at Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature. More about all this soon. Have a great summer!

Hudu' Nisbi / Ruhrding: Schlaf

18.05.23. As part of the radio show Hudu' Nisbi, my composition "Calm down, Restless machine" is played. Hosted by Guy Dermosessian.

Stream here

Release Concerts

The concerts with Lukas Hermann to celebrate my tape releases were a delight. Thanks to all who were there. The special edition was sold out quickly and the first round of tapes is almost gone. I ordered a second batch - of course there will be a special feature, but more about that soon. Stay tuned : )

shfit '22 EP

21.04.2023. My new EP shfit '22 is available now - on Bandcamp, as a special edition with endless puzzel and as audio tape. It is also available on all streamingplatforms. More details on the music & arts site.

listen here

Review of my book 'Musikalische Relationen': From the seepage of music into thinking

17.02.23. The online journal Thewis published a review of 'Musikalische Reltaionen' by Laura Strack.

read here

Unquantized conversation – EP with Lukas Hermann

01.01.23. Lukas Hermann and I met with our modularsystemens for an unquantized conversation. The result was released on Bandcamp today.

listen here

Sonic Memory Oberhausen

14.12.22. The last evening of my residency at Theater Oberhausen was a blast. Many people came by to listen to my performance and to talk about the sounds of the city, about remembering and forgetting. Thank you, Anne-Verena Freybott, for the time at the theater and to my experts and interlocutors, from whom I could learn so much in the past weeks. (Foto: Jörn Vanselow)

Read and listen here

The rural sound of music

10.12.22. Together with Miriam Michel we go to the Wasserschloss Reelskirchen, where we play a concert as part of a Tiny Residency. Countryside, folk songs, resonators, the clatter of pebbles. Thank you Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste NRW!


14.11.22. I've compiled a few pieces from the past two years into a collection and posted them on my Bandcamp page. This collection will grow in the future and present a cut through my musical activities. (GIF: Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling)

listen here

Zeit.Raum.Ruhr 22

15.10.22. Modular Tunes in the laundromat at Zeit.Raum.Ruhr. (Foto: Florian Wagner for Zeit.Raum.Ruhr)

Nekrologe / Farewell dorisdean

2.11.22. In the last days I had the honor to participate in the funeral ceremonies of the performance group dorisdean: Nekrologe was an installation and two performance evenings at Zeche 1 Bochum. May you rest in peace and I'm looking forward to meet your revenants. (Foto: Robin Junicke)

New Website

I am happy to introduce my new website. It was made possible by funding from the Digitale Sichtbarkeit / Digital Visibility Program of the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and the NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste. Gefördert von: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste.

upcoming events

MESOKOSMOS: Performing Bodies in Transition

August &September 2023, Pina Bausch Zentrum Wuppertal and Schaubüdchen Bochum. With Anja Plonka. Details soon.

watch trailer


Sounddesign for a children's play for children from 3. Directed by Kama Frankl. Theater Oberhausen, Urban Arts. Premier 19.10.22. Check the link bellow for more dates during Ocober-December.


Vom Klang der erträumten Stadt

23. & 24.8, , in collaboration with Szeniale, Heilig Kreuz Kirche Gelsenkirchen.


Here you can listen to my new track