
It is a great pleasure to support people to find an aesthetic expression in sound. In workshops for all kinds of groups and ages Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling teaches technical, academic and artistic know-how: listening education, proper handling of equipment and software and methods of music production. In collaborative work audiowalks, installations and compositions of sounds and music will be created.

Interested in a workshop, class or seminar?
Please get in touch:

Soundwalk and deep listening workshop

Theater Oberhausen, 2023
During my residency on sound and space, I gave a workshop on deep listening. Among other things, the participants drew sound maps of their surroundings and developed very different strategies for this.

Musical AI in dialogue with Ückendorf / Musikalische AI im Dialog mit Ückendorf

NEW NOW Festival, Zeche Zollverein, Georgel Gelsenkirchen, 2023
With young people from the district of Gelsenkirchen Ückendorf I went with Stefan Demming and Lukas Hermann in search of inspiring sounds in the area. Afterwards the kids could create their own sound utopia of the city from their recordings and electronic sound processors. Their works were exhibited as part of the sound installation Georgel.
Artistic direction: Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling, Lukas Hermann, Stefan Deming

Mein Prinz/MyPrice

Bürg Hülshoff – Center for Literature, 2018 - Audiowalk revised in '22 and available at CFL
Together with students from Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Gymnasium Münster, Miriam Michel and I have developed an audiowalk on the grounds of Hülshoff Castle: following the traces of a black man living in the castle and based on the novel 'Mein Prinz'/'My Prince' by Herman Mensing, the text 'Ich war nicht schwarz (Selbstgespräch eines gewöhnlichen Nachtarbeiters)'/'I was not black (soliloquy of a common night worker)' by Fiston Mwanza Mujila and Achille Mbembe's Critique of Black Reason. The audiowalk is permanently available at the castle and will be given to you at the reception.
Artistic Direction: Miriam Michel & Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling; Pädagogische Begleitung: Martina Achenbach. Grafic: Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature

Sonic Memory Workshops

Theater Oberhausen, 2022
As part of my Sonic Memory residency at Theater Oberhausen, I have given listening workshops – once with an adult education class and once with a school theater club. The goal was to open a musical ear to the surrounding world.‍ Foto: Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling.


Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, 2021
Together with choreographer Fabian Chyle and a diverse group we worked on inclusive and mindful forms of moving and sounding together. On the musical side we made fieldrecordings and transformed them musically. Basic knowledge of handling soft- and hardware was taught. The focus was to enable the participants to create an artistic expression and to link the sound with the movements. The workshop was offered by the CBE Mülheim (Ruhr).‍
Artistic direction: Fabian Chyle, Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling; Organisation: CBE Mülheim (Ruhr). Foto: Björn Stork.

Biedermeier Phantasma: Klassenkampf / Class Struggle

Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature, 2019
Miriam Michel and I developed a creepy cabinet of class differences together with a group of students from the Friedensreich Hundertwasser-Gesamtschule Münster-Roxel and a group from the Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Gymnasium Münster. Together we soldered audio equipment, dealt with the book "Show your class" by Daniela Dröscher and our own inscriptions of social origin.
Aristic direction: Miriam Michel, Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling. Foto: Lennart Lofink.

Satirisches Opus
[Paul Klee, 1901]

Der Glückliche, das ist ein halber Idiot,
dem alles gedeiht und Früchte trägt.
Steht auf seinem kleinen Besitz,
die eine Hand hält die Gießkanne,
die andere zeigt auf sich selber,
als den Nabel der Welt.
Es grünt und blüht.
Von Früchten schwere Zweige neigen sich auf ihn.